Issue 9, 2020/2021

Whales Challenge

Today is the first Whales Challenge for the season. Will it be the Maroon (Turner) team or the White (Emery) team to get the first win of the season? Good luck to both teams.

Championship Qualification

There are many situations that may arise which impact on swimmers plans, especially to qualify for championship races. Swimmers need to plan their championship eligibility swims as early in the season as possible, rather than leaving these swims to the last week available before the Championship event is to be swum.

A failure by a swimmer to swim an eligibility swim will preclude their participation in that championship.

Please ensure you have swum a championship qualifying swim before completing your online race entries each week. Championship dates & all other events can be found in the season program here.

Contact Tracing

for Spectators & Volunteers

NSW Health have this week updated contact tracing sign-in requirements for many organisations & businesses. As we are required to keep a record of all people attending club events (club races and training sessions) we ask that you ensure you sign-in every time you attend a club event.

Open Water Time Trial

Congratulations to Summer Shrestha and Matthew Vicic who each swam a 5klm time trail during the week. Both had great swims and achieved NSW Open Water Championship qualifying times.

Swimming NSW Junior Metropolitan Championships

Last weekend a team of 5 swimmers represented our club at these championships. And they did themselves, their coaches and our club proud with outstanding results!

From a total of 9 swims there were 6 PB’s achieved.

Congratulations to Joseph Assi, Joab Hada, Summer Shrestha, Unish Shrestha & Matthew Vicic on your achievements.

Fundraising Chocolates

If you are interested in participating in the fundraising please email the Social Secretary (Emily Ton) ( advising you would like chocolates to sell. We will then place orders for the specific number of chocolates required for sale. We have some interest already and we will place orders for the specific number required in the coming weeks.

COVID-19 Safety Plan & Protocols

Updates that affect our club members can be found here. Please ensure you regularly check the club website for these updates as changes occur.

A couple of key points to remember are:

  • Anyone who is unwell for any reason should not attend any training, competition or club activity;
  • Comply with health advice if you have visited any identified “hot spot” locations or venues;
  • If you become unwell whilst at the pool please advise us and leave immediately;
  • Maintain social distancing when at the swimming centre;
  • Only use designated areas around the pool;
  • Practice good hygiene.

Club Championship Results

Congratulations to all swimmers who competed in the 200m Freestyle Championships last week. The results are here.

Club Uniforms

Our great range of club uniforms can be purchased through the club’s online shop.

Orders are still being taken for club hoodies as we need a minimum order number before we can place an order. If you have any questions about club uniforms please talk to the Property Officer (Margaret Edwards).

Christmas Hampers & BBQ

With the easing of restrictions and health guidelines we are pleased to advise that we will be providing Christmas Hampers (club funded, so donations are not requested this year). Stay tuned for details on how we will “raffle” the hampers. We will also be holding a BBQ on the last day of club races in December (19th December), so we look forward to celebrating the Christmas season with everyone at the pool.

Upcoming Events




MASC 200metre IM Championship (Open)

Saturday 5th December


Whales Challenge

Saturday 5th December


MASC 200metre Freestyle (JNR)

Saturday 12th December

Thursday 10th December

MASC 800metre Freestyle (Open)

Saturday 19th December

Thursday 17th December

SNSW Open Water Championship

Saturday 19th December

Sunday 20th December

Tuesday 8th December


Christmas – New Year Break

Saturday 26th December


Merrylands SwimFest

Saturday 20th February

Not yet open

Club Races – no championship race

Saturday 2nd January

Thursday 31st December

Club Races – no championship race

Saturday 9th January

Thursday 7th January

MASC 400metre IM Championship (Open)

Saturday 16th January

Thursday 14th January

Whales Challenge

Saturday 16th January

Thursday 14t January

MASC 50metre Butterfly Championship

Saturday 23rd January

Thursday 21st January

MASC 200metre Butterfly Championship (Open)

Saturday 23rd January

Thursday 21st January

MASC 50metre Breaststroke Championship

Saturday 30th January

Thursday 28th January

MASC 200metre Breaststroke Championship (Open)

Saturday 30th January

Thursday 28th January


Thank you to our major sponsors who provide fantastic support to our club. If you know of a business or organisation who may be interested in providing sponsorship or support to our club please let us know.

Club Merrylands Charity Raffle

Thank you to anyone who purchased tickets in the raffle. It was drawn on Tuesday 1st December 2020 with winners announced on the Club Merrylands website.

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