Training Returns to Merrylands

The wait is over! Training is back at Merrylands Swimming Centre from Monday, 16th September.

All swimmers must renew their club membership before 30th September. If you haven't been training, you must complete a new enrolment form. The steps to follow are detailed below.

Training will continue through the School Holidays (with the exception 2-8 October). If you are going to be away, please complete the Training Break Form to advise when you will be away.


  1. Complete your Club Membership renewal.
  2. Complete your Squad Enrolment (only if you aren't currently training or want to change your sessions)
  3. Purchase your Squad Multi-Session Pass and any new equipment you need
  4. Download a copy of your Membership Card

Changes this season

  • An increase in the cost of some sessions occurred in September.
  • Update to the Conditions.

What isn't changing

  • Swimmers must have renewed their club membership for the 2024/2025 season before commencing training.
  • Swimmers will continue to be booked into sessions, and must be cancelled through the booking system if you can't attend.
  • Squad Fees continue to be paid via a multi-session pass.
  • Pool Entry must be paid on entry to the centre.
  • You may be required to show your Club Membership Card when paying pool entry or topping up a Pool Entry Card.

See Also

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