Club Races Today
We are swimming the Freestyle & Backstroke championships this morning. The Freestyle championships will be swum first up and the Backstroke championships will be swum where Backstroke sits in the morning’s program. Please ensure you remain around the marshalling area for your races, as this will be a busy morning of races and we need to keep moving to finish by 9.00am.
Relay Nominated Time Changes - TODAY
If your relay team would like to change their nominated time, you need to provide the new time to the Race Secretary BEFORE the relay event is swum TODAY.
With the postponed race program from Saturday 9th February being swum today we have lost a week of club races from the program. This has impacted the Relay competition by reducing it to a 9 week competition. The committee considered alternatives to maintain a 10 week competition, however with external meets impacting the program for all remaining weeks of the season we are unable to do this.
Speedo Sprint Series Finals - TODAY
The finals of the Speedo Sprint Series are being held at SOPAC today. Unish Shrestha is competing in the 50m Breaststroke final and we wish Unish all the best for his swim. May the Whale be with you Unish.
Swimming NSW Junior Metropolitan Championships
Congratulations to our 4 junior club members who competed at the Metropolitan Championships at SOPAC last weekend. 5 PB’s were achieved from 9 swims, with the other 4 swims achieving 2nd fastest times swum. A great achievement by all of our swimmers and we are now looking forward to the State Championships at the end of the month.
Metro South West Area Long Course Sprint Meet – Saturday 23rd March, 2019
Entries for this meet, to be held at Blacktown Aquatic Centre on Saturday 23rd March, 2019, close on Tuesday 19th March, 2019 at 11.00pm. Our club is also rostered for hosting duties at this meet. This will require a number of people to assist with roles such as medals, result running and refreshment delivery. Please advise Graham if you can help with the hosting roles on the day.
Club Uniform – Hoodie Orders
With the cooler weather coming Margaret is now taking orders for club hoodies. Visit the online shop to place an order for all club uniform apparel.
Club Photo – Saturday 30th March, 2019
We will be taking the club photo on Saturday 30th March, 2019 (the last morning of club races). Please wear or bring your club polo shirt on the day for the photo. If you need to purchase a new polo shirt for this please see the Property Officer (Margaret) today.
50th Anniversary Celebrations
Tickets for the 50th Anniversary Dinner (Saturday 6th April, 2019) being held at The Holroyd Centre are available online. We look forward to seeing all of our members (14 years and older) attending the dinner. If you know a past member please pass on the information to them.
Tickets are $50 (subsidised amount) and includes welcome finger food, main course and dessert. The welcome commences in the ground floor foyer at 6.00pm with the main course being served from 7.00pm. For more details & tickets visit the 50th Anniversary section.
Swimming NSW Membership System Change
The new membership system (Swim Central) is being implemented by Swimming NSW for our Area on Monday 11th March, 2019. Members aged 18 & over will require a unique email address. Please log in to to update your contact details.
Swim Central requires that all members under 18 be part of a linked family group, with an adult aged 18 or over set as the primary member. So what do you need to do? If an adult member of your family is a member of the club – either a swimmer, or non swimmer – you don’t need to do anything. If you don’t have an adult member of your family as a member of the club, you will need to start a membership application, but cancel it before payment. See for details.
Keep your contact details on your membership records up to date as we can't contact you about pool closures, changes to club or training if your contact details aren't correct. Your login details are the same as the ones used for online entries. Log in to to check yours are correct.
Annual Presentation & AGM
We are planning the Annual Presentation for the end of the season and are just waiting to confirm a date with Club Merrylands for the venue availability. We plan to hold this either on the last Saturday night of May (25th) or first Saturday night in June (1st), so keep those weekends free and we will let you know as soon as we have a firm date.
The club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on the Monday night immediately following the Annual Presentation and we will advise you of this date once we confirm the date of the Annual Presentation. All financial members of the club are entitled to nominate for positions on the committee and to vote at the AGM. So please consider nominating for a position, as we would love to see new members join the committee. Even if you do not wish to nominate for a position you are most welcome to attend the AGM to hear how the club is managed and the achievements of our members over the past season.
Upcoming Events
NSW State Open Championships
15th March – 17th March
Whales Challenge
Saturday 16th March
Thursday 14th March
Masters National Championships
19th March – 23rd March
MSW Long Course Sprint Meet
23rd March
Tuesday 19th March
MASC 400metre Freestyle Age
Saturday 30th March
Thursday 28th March
Club Photo
Saturday 30th March
NSW State Junior Championships
30th March
Tuesday 19th March
Thank you to our sponsors for their support of our club