Restricted Age Series Changes 16 July 2001 Peter-Johnston Latest News Next year's Restricted Age Series will undergo a number of changes including an increase in the age of competitors. The series previously catered for swimmers in the 8 years to 13 years age groups and excluded the top 3 swimmers from the Metropolitan, Country and State Championships. Next year's series will see the age increase to 14 years and will now exclude the top 10 swimmers from Metropolitan, Country and State Championships. The series has also been pushed back further in the summer calendar and the heats will now be held on the first weekend in March with the finals held at the Sydney Aquatic Centre on Sunday, March 31st, 2002. In other swimming meet news: Cumberland will this year be holding a District 12yrs & Under Meet on Saturday, October 27th, 2001. The meet will be held at either the Ripples St Mary's Pool or Penrith Pool. NSW Swimming will be running a Non-Championship Sprint Meet to encourage the development of sprint swimming. The NSW Summer Sprint Challenge is scheduled for December 15-16, 2001 which is the week after the NSW Metropolitan Championships. The venue is still to be advised. The 2002 Cumberland District Sprint Meet will be held at the E.G. Whitlam Centre, Liverpool rather than at the usual venue of the Blacktown Aquatic Centre. The meet will be conducted using electronic timing from NSW Swimming and is scheduled for Saturday, March 30th, 2002.